Bruce F. Freed

Bruce F. Freed is president and co-founder of the Center for Political Accountability

Mr. Freed is widely respected as one of the leading figures in the money and politics space. Under his leadership, CPA produces the annual CPA-Zicklin Index, which benchmarks the S&P 500 companies on their political disclosure and accountability policies and practices, and, a searchable, sortable database on company political spending. He helped develop the Center’s innovative strategy of using corporate governance to address the risks companies face from political spending. As a result of CPA’s efforts, political disclosure and accountability is recognized as the norm.

He draws on his long experience in journalism, on Capitol Hill, and in strategic public affairs. He speaks widely and co-authored major CPA reports including Collision Course and Conflicted Consequences, the first examinations of the heightened risks to companies of conflicted political spending. In addition, he co-authored The Conference Board Handbook on Corporate Political Activity and articles in the Harvard Business Review, Washington Post, Financial Times and Reuters.

Mr. Freed has two adult children and lives in the Washington, D.C. suburbs with his wife and their West Highland White Terrier.  He graduated from the University of Chicago and has an M.A. in American history from Brandeis University.

Contact Bruce at or (202) 464-1570 ext. 102.

Karl Sandstrom

Karl Sandstrom is the Center’s Strategic Advisor. In addition to being Of Counsel in the political law practice of Perkins Coie, he is an adjunct professor at American University’s Washington College of Law and is a member of the advisory board of the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Previously, Mr. Sandstrom was a member of the Federal Election Commission from 1998 to 2002 where he also served as vice-chair and was staff director of the U.S. House of Representatives elections subcommittee.

Dan Carroll

Dan Carroll is the Center’s Vice President for Programs and Counsel. Prior to joining the Center, Dan spent six years on Capitol Hill, advising a senior House member on campaign finance issues, the judiciary, and tax policy. Dan also tracked judicial nominations, researched and analyzed federal appellate court decisions, and created advocacy materials for a national non-profit advocacy organization, and served in the chambers of a federal magistrate judge. He earned a degree in Public Policy from Hamilton College and a J.D. from William & Mary Law School, where he was a fellow at the Institute of Bill of Rights Law.

Contact Dan at or (202) 464-1570 ext. 103.

Donna G. Thomas

Donna Thomas is the Center’s Vice President for Advancement and Operations. She has held several senior level development positions at Capitol Technology University, the China Institute and New York Law School. She received a doctorate in psychology from Tufts University and a B.A. and M.A. from Simmons College.

Jeanne Hanna

Jeanne is the Center’s Vice President for Research.  Prior to joining the Center she taught at several DC-area universities. As a doctoral candidate in Public Anthropology at American University, she published research on politics, cultural change, and institutional norms in multiple countries. She also holds a B.A. in anthropology from the University of Memphis.

Contact Jeanne at

Peter Hardin

Peter Hardin is a writer and editor for the Center. He previously worked as a journalist for more than 30 years, including 15 years as Washington correspondent for the Richmond Times-Dispatch, covering Congress and the executive branch. Hardin was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his investigative series on eugenics and its history in Virginia. He has written for a range of non-profit groups including the Center and several health advocacy organizations.

David Pahlic

David Pahlic is the Center’s Director for Programs. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Political Science at the University of Colorado-Boulder and interned with CPA before joining the staff. Prior to his studies at CU Boulder, David served in the United States Air Force for seven years, including stations at Aviano Air Base, Italy, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, and Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.

Contact David at

Ben Schaffzin

Ben Schaffzin is the Center’s Assistant Director of Research and a former intern of the Center. A graduate of Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin, he obtained a degree in Political Science, focusing on regulatory frameworks for media age ratings and their efficacy. While in Wisconsin he also obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance. He currently resides in Brooklyn, New York with his cat Raka.

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